Contact Us

Total Loss Control Group Inc.
Brampton, Ontario,

Telephone: 416-540-TLCG (8524)
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  


How to reach Total Loss Control Group

Please tell us your needs by using the checklist below and submit with your contact information. Please allow 24 - 48 hrs for our response.

In the event of an emergency or other urgent requirement, please call Mario Migliazza at (416) 460-4455. In the event you reach his voice mail, please leave details of your needs and your call will be answered as soon as possible.

Company name
First name (required)
Last name (required)
State or Province
Zip or Postal Code
Email (required)

To receive information, please check the boxes below corresponding to the services of interest to your company.

Occupational Health and Safety

Compliance Audit (OHSA)
Health & Safety Policy & Procedure Development
Group Instruction & Train-The-Trainer
WSIB Claims Management
WSIB Appeals Assistance
Return-to-Work Programs
Health and Safety Program (Development and Implementation)

Profit Turnaround

Plant Layout Development/Revisions
Time and Motion Studies
Production Methods Development/Revisions
Workstation Design
Motivation Methods Training
Supervisor/Manager Skills Training
Operation Manual/Procedure Development

Analytical Services

Air Sampling
Noise Assessment

Program Follow Up & Maintenance

Health and Safety
WSIB Claims Management

Emergency Response Plans

WHMIS Training

Please List Below The Required Training subject/s*

* NOTE: Please see our Training Page for a list of available courses. This list is not complete. In the event your training subject is not listed, please describe your requirements in the "Mail Message" box and we will advise as to its availability.



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