Supervisor/Manager Competence Course

(2 to 4 days*) - Max. 16 Students

*Note: Length of course depends on the applicability of each individual subject to client’s requirements and/or assigned priorities.   Accordingly, the full course can be adjusted to be presented within a period of 3 to 4 days.

A summarized version of the course is offered as a refresher, to participants who attended the full course 3 to 4 years previously.

Legal requirements for extensive training of Joint Health & Safety Committee members (Basic Certification Training – Parts I & II), has created an unbalance of knowledge between workers, supervisors and managers.  Legal requirements for competent supervisors can, when not met, create excessive exposure to misunderstandings and/or errors in decision-making, which in turn may lead to lack of compliance and prosecution. This course is designed to provide participants the necessary knowledge to effectively support a Health & Safety Program and meet the most strict competence requirements.

General Objectives:  

The general objectives for this course are as follows:

  1. To enhance the competence level of managers and supervisors as it pertains to their duties under Health and Safety legislation.
  2. To become familiar with the relevant Health and Safety legislation, and understand the concept of “Due Diligence”.
  3. To enhance awareness of occupational health hazards in the workplace.
  4. To make managers and supervisors better able to recognize, assess and identify methods of controlling workplace hazards.
  5. To make managers and supervisors better able to support DaimlerChrysler’s Workplace Occupational Health and Safety Program.


1    Health and Safety-Related Legislation

  • Legislation Overview (background & definitions),
  • Ontario’s Occupational Health & Safety Act
  • OHSA Regulations
  • Regulatory vs. Criminal Law   
  • The Competent Supervisor: How and Why,  
  • Responsibilities (Employer's, Supervisor's, Worker's)
  • How to effectively deal with work refusals
  • Discipline and employee accountability
  • Joint Health & Safety Committee: Roles & Functions
  • How to deal with the Joint Health & Safety Committee
  • Due Diligence: What it is & how to achieve it
  • Workplace Regulations and Discipline,  
  • Enforcement of Rules
  • WHMIS Program: Responsibilities
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Questionnaire
  • Case Study

2    Principles of Safety Management

  • Principles of Safety Management,  
  • Risk Management & Loss Control
  • Techniques of Hazard Recognition
  • Authority, Responsibility, Accountability
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Employee Relations and Safety
  • Dealing with Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
  • Motivation
  • Communication
  • Introducing Change  
  • Safety & Conflicting Employment Regimes (Human Rights, Employment Equity, Accommodation, Discipline)

3    Principles of Occupational Health

  • Physical States of Hazardous Substances,
  • Designated Substances & Hazardous Materials,
  • Threshold Concept,
  • TLV's and Standards,
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Routes of Entry,
  • Target Organs,
  • Acute and Chronic Responses,
  • Dose-Response,
  • Stress,
  • Communicable Diseases/Aids ,
  • Recognition,
  • Evaluation,
  • Controls: Source/Path/Receiver,
  • Ventilation
  • Emergency Planning

4    Hazard Recognition

  • Job Hazard Awareness,
  • Mechanical Hazards,
  • Housekeeping,
  • Slips and Falls,
  • Physical Hazards: Noise, Vibration, Radiation
  • Electrical Hazards,
  • Confined Space Entry,
  • Heat stress
  • Measuring Properties of Heat Stress
  • Three Main Methods to Prevent Heat Stress

5    Accident/Incident Investigation

  • Accident vs. Incident,     
  • The Investigation Process & Reports
  • Accident Analysis

6    Preventive Program Elements

  • Machine Guarding,
  • Lockout,
  • Robot Safety
  • Workplace Inspection,
  • Hearing Conservation
  • P.P.E. (Respirators, Hands, Body, Eye Protection, Hearing )
  • Ergonomics: Carpal Tunnel & Other Repetitive Movement Injuries,
  • Work Design
  • Body Positions and Movement,
  • Tool Selection,
  • Work Organization,
  • Material Handling

7    Emergency Preparedness

  • Emergency Preparedness,
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (how to read and interpret information),
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Fire Prevention & Protection,
  • Explosions,
  • Dealing with TDG
  • Spill/ Waste Disposal

8    Testing:

  • During the final 2 hours of the course, Participants will be required to complete an examination, which will be reviewed in order to confirm comprehension of the subjects presented.

Lecture, videos, overheads, discussion of workplace-specific forms/documents (provided by instructor and any provided by client) and discussion generated by question and answer periods.

The Training takes place on client’s premises. The assigned training area will need to be equipped with tables and chairs to accommodate up to 16 participants. Training equipment, such as Flip Chart/White Board and Audio/Video will be discussed with client as to availability/requirement at time of scheduling course.


How can I get more information or register?

Once you have selected your subjects, please proceed to the Training Inquiry page and complete the online form, indicating the Courses and number of participants. One of our training staff, who will be glad to provide you with all the information you may require, will contact you.