Health & Safety

Does Occupational Health & Safety seem like a mystery?

TLC Group can provide you with clear direction

Our philosophy is to provide a multi-directional approach to Occupational Health & Safety awareness. Our approach not only ensures a safe workplace, which meets or exceeds legislated standards, but also maintains a strong focus on efficiency and cost effectiveness.

The Result: A safe and productive workforce.


What is important to you?

Is your firm concerned with the status of its safety program?

Has your firm been selected for a Ministry of Labour Inspection and facing orders? 

Has your company’s accident frequency resulted in W.S.I.B surcharges? 

We can provide you with an assessment of your situation.


Customized for your organization

If your organization does not have a formally developed program, all we need is a few minutes of your time. We can provide you with an assessment of your situation at no cost or obligation on your part.

If your program was formally developed but is not performing effectively, we will need to carry out a formal audit in order to determine which elements require revision or development. Such audits may require a few hours or as much as two days, depending on the complexity and size of your organization. We will be glad to provide you with a quote, once we are allowed a tour of your facility.

You will be provided with a detailed report as to the status of your program, including recommended corrective action. In the event your organization requires external assistance to implement the required corrective action, we will provide a quote on the approximate investment required. Your organization will be encouraged to seek quotes from other consulting firms. In most instances, Total Loss Control Group Inc. will waive the cost of the audit, if awarded the "rebuilding" project.

We have both the resources and the experience to help you update your safety program and avoid or minimize any resulting surcharges or penalties. We back up our performance with our written guarantee .